Terms of Services and Disclaimer
Welcome to Samui Home Clinic website. By visiting this website (Refer to www.samuihomeclinic.com, Samui Home Clinic blog, email communication and facebook/samuihomeclinic) represent your consent to be bound by and abide by the following terms and conditions as well as our Privacy Policy. Do not use the website if you do not agree with the following terms:
1. Information provided on the website
While Samui Home Clinic is committed to keep the information on the website up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, timely, reliability, availability, or non-misleading with respect to the website or the information on the website.
The content on this website have been prepared for general information purposes only. They are not intended to be relied on as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, prevention or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified health provider within your country, and follow their professional advice without delay regardless of anything you read on this website.
2. Limitations of liability
The use of this website is entirely at your own risk, and in no event shall Samui Home Clinic be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or any other damages, losses, fines, penalties, or any liability arising from using this website or its service.
While we try to ensure that the website is secure, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information, nor the website (or any website to which you may be linked) is free from viruses or similar matters.
3. Errors and inaccuracy of the information
All content, prices, and availability of products and services are subject to change without notice. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the use of all content.
4. Booking service of the website
We provide an online booking service for your convenience and without any cost. We will try every effort to let you see our doctor at your appointment time. However, there is no guarantee and we will not accept any responsibility for any delay, any loss or any other consequence either directly or indirectly related to the appointment.
You will need to submit your personal information such as name, age, sex, email address, passport number to use of booking service. We need these information to register you to our hospital system. We will strictly protect your personal information according to international standard.
5. Email or other forms of online communication
You may write the email or use other online communication to contact us such as Facebook or via contact form, etc. Although we try to response your inquiry as much as and as soon as possible, we are not obligated to response. We will not accept any responsibilities or liabilities for the use of emails or other forms of online communication.
If you have or think you have a medical emergency/urgency, visit the nearest doctor/hospital or in emergency dial 1669. Do not use this form or email us for those kind or problems. Also do not rely on any online communication through this website/email/Facebook for immediate or urgent medical need. This website does not provide medical advice and not designed to facilite medical emergency.
6. Availability of our services
We cannot guarantee that you will get all vaccines, diagnostic lab or treatment you want when you visit our clinic. The reasons include but not limited to:
a) Unavailability of the service/product in our clinic
b) Vaccines and medications are temporary out of stock.
c) Our doctor may refuse to prescribe any medication/vaccines or refuse to order
some or all labs you want according to his/her professional judgment.
We accept no responsibility of any loss, any consequence for this matter.
7. Update of our Terms of Services
We reserve the right to modify our Terms of Services at any time without prior notice. All update will be posted in our website, so please visit this page periodically.
8. Contact us
We welcome comments, suggestions, questions from users regarding our Terms of Services. You can contact us at any time by email to info@samuihomeclinic.com.